Plasmatek™ Wireless for Skin Lesions - Aesthetica White Lies

Plasmatek™ Wireless for Skin Lesions

Fusion plasma technology can effectively remove all types of moles, skin tags, warts, and verrucas. The voltaic arc dermabrasion technique (atmospheric plasma) applied at Aesthetica Skin Centre is considered to successfully remove lesions, especially relatively superficial ones, and small lesions located on the face or body. Our technology uses a fusion plasma device by applying the principle of ionised gases in the air to get a small electrical arc similar to a flash of tiny lightning. This micro lightning will cause a very targeted and localised ablation of a very thin skin tissue layer. The effect of the micro lightening is the ablation of the top layers of the skin. The unsightly and unwanted skin lesions such as moles, skin tags or warts can be removed quickly and easily using this advanced cosmetic procedure based on a technique using micro lightning frequency. The method works whereby a fine probe can cauterise the blood supply, which gives the blemish its life source. Moles, skin tags and warts respond exceptionally well to this procedure, again with 100% success. This treatment has cut down the cost of many procedures that were before invasive and expensive.

Frequently Asked Questions:

To remove facial or body benign skin lesions, different steps (crosshatch pattern) are required for the plasma treatment technique. The first phase involves vertical strokes, and the second phase requires horizontal strokes. The technique is non-overlapping and vaporises by voltaic arc, followed by gentle yet thorough wiping of the desiccated debris with saline-soaked gauze. At each passage, there is a smooth passing through the tissue with plasma (sparking). Then, the lesion is firmly wiped with wet gauze to remove the scorched tissue. The plasma technique is used for skin lesions that rise above the skin or are in the upper layer of skin. This technique removes the outermost layers of skin lesion layer by layer until the lesion reaches the same level as the healthy skin.
After the treatment, no erythema, ecchymosis, itching, outbreaks of herpes or infectious processes is observed. After a month, no scarring is observed or noticible. The procedure is quick, and the results are immediate and permanent. The plasma procedure can be applied on any part of the face or the body. No anaesthesia or bandages are required; the patient can return to regular activity immediately. There are no scars, hematomas, allergic reactions, burns or necrosis afterwards.
Most procedures take about 10 to 15 minutes, and they do not require any special care afterwards.
In some cases, mild discomfort is recorded only after the mole, skin lesion or wart ablation, while no client has ever reported a moderate or severe pain after the plasma procedure. Some discomfort may be experienced during the process. However, local anaesthesia is applied to the treatment site before the procedure.
The plasma procedure can successfully be used on bengn moles, skin lesions, verrucas and warts.


Scarano, A., Bertuzzi, G.L., Brandimarte, B., Carinci, F., Lucchese, A., (2012) Treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum with voltaic arc dermoabrasion. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 1:17–22.

Scarano, A., Carinci, F., Candotto, V., & Lorusso, F., (2020). Eradication of Benign Skin Lesions of the Face by Voltaic Arc Dermabrasion (Atmospheric Plasma): Postoperative Pain Assessment by Thermal Infrared Imaging. Aesth Plast Surg 44, 2277–2285 (2020).

Yigider, A.P., Kayhan, F.T., Yigit, O., Kavak, A., Cingi, C., (2016) Skin diseases of the nose. Am J Rhinol Allergy 30(3):83–90.