Wrinkle Release Injections are used to help relax facial muscles and make lines and wrinkles less noticeable. Over time, skin loses the connective tissue that makes it elastic, and permanent grooves can form in those spots, causing frown or smile lines. These injections smooth these wrinkles by preventing facial muscle contraction. If people start treatment early enough, they can even prevent permanent wrinkling from taking place. Wrinkle Release Injection treatment is a prescription-only medicine that a registered and trained aesthetic doctor should only be given in a clinical environment. Dr. Bianca Cowan is an experienced professional at Aesthetica Skin Centre. She employs many techniques to prevent ageing, especially those associated with facial wrinkles at rest and in-action phase. Wrinkle Release Injection treatments are a simple, non-surgical procedure that smoothes deep, persistent lines, which develop over time. Nowadays, this non-surgical procedure has made a difference for both aesthetic professionals and patients. In this expanding era of non-surgical treatment procedures, Wrinkle Release Injections have emerged as a benefit at Aesthetica Skin Centre, for our aesthetic professionals and patients.
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Collections: Facial Procedures, Home page, Injectables
Category: Age Repair Prevent, Anti Ageing, Eye Wrinkles, Wrinkles